Petit Grain Oil...

Petit Grain is an essential oil that is extracted from the leaves and green twigs of the bitter orange plant via steam distillation.

Its main regions of production are Paraguay and France, with the former's product being of higher odor tenacity. Petit Grain oil gains its name from the fact that it used to be extracted from the small unripe oranges of the plant. The oil has a greenish woody orange smell that is widely used in perfumery and found in colognes. Though distilled from the same botanical species as neroli and bitter orange, petit grain Essential Oil possesses its own characteristically unique aroma. Petit Grain Essential Oil is distilled from the leaves and sometimes the twigs and branches of the tree whereas neroli essential oil is distilled from the blossoms and Orange Essential Oil is typically cold pressed from the rinds of the fruits.

This is one of the three oils obtained from the orange tree the others are neroli from the flowers and orange from the rind of the fruit. Petit Grain oil is extracted from the leaves of the tree but was once extracted from the green unripe oranges, when they were still the size of cherries, hence the name Petit Grain or 'little grains.'

It is widely used in pharmaceutical products and perfumery and is the classic ingredient of eau-de-cologne.

Petit Grain is steam distilled from the leaves and twigs of the bitter orange tree.  While both have similar properties and aroma, petit grain holds its own restorative and revitalizing qualities.  The essential oil contains geranial, linalool, neural, terpineol, citral, camphene, limonene, among others.

Extensively used in soaps, cosmetics, perfumery, and detergents.  Also used as a flavor component in foods, alcoholic and soft drinks.

Benefit & Uses: Petit Grain oil can help with nervous exhaustion and stress-related conditions and in particular anger and panic. It calms and soothes the mind, while relaxing the body, easing breathing, reducing rapid heartbeat, relaxing muscle spasms and stomach pains.

It is great oil to use for convalescing after an illness and also for insomnia and helps to clear up a greasy skin, acne and excessive perspiration, while toning the skin.

Petit Grain is beneficial for calming the nerves and helps to diminish insomnia.  Inhaling the oil is said to be strengthening- promoting mental clarity and helping to sharpen the memory. Petit grain can be used as a gentle tonic for oily skin, acne and hair/scalp conditions.  Two drops are great in a final rinse for healthy hair.  It is also beneficial in controlling excessive perspiration.

Almost all of us are well acquainted with the word “Septic” and hear it frequently in our daily life, but seldom do we try to investigate into it. All we care to know is that whenever we get a wound, it is enough to stick a “Band-Aid” or any other medicated strip on it or apply an anti septic lotion or cream on it and it is over. If it still gets worse and there is reddish swelling around the wound, then we go to the doctor, he pushes in an injection and the matter is settled. 

This relaxing effect of Petit Grain Essential Oil helps overcome depression and other problems such as anxiety, stress, anger, fear etc. It uplifts mood and induce positive thinking.

This oil has got good reputations as a nerve tonic. It has soothing and relaxing effects on nerves and protects them from the adverse effects of shock, anger, anxiety, fear etc. It is equally efficient in calming nervous afflictions, convulsions and epileptic and hysteric attacks.

It is a good sedative for all sorts of nervous crisis such as afflictions, irritations, anxiety, inflammations, anger etc and can be used to treat problems like abnormal palpitations, hypertension and insomnia.


It is good for maintaining the moisture and oil balance of the skin and in treating acne, pimples, abnormal sweating (those who suffer from nervousness have this problem), dryness and cracking of the skin, ring worm etc. It also ends nausea and tendency to vomit, being an anti emetic.

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